The Dewey Decimal System has been used to classify books in libraries for 140 years. Its inventor, Melvil Dewey, was so obsessed with efficiency he had specific pockets for different times of the day. Shaun Wallace visits his local library to see how the system works and wonders whether the advent of the internet search is jeopardising something precious.
Listen Again (30 minutes - broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 23rd October 2007)
This audio will be available until 30th October 2007.
I will add in a YouTube search to Simply Google in my November refresh.
Posted by: Chris McEvoy | October 28, 2007 at 08:43 AM
Speaking of internet search, can you add a youtube search on simply google? :D I'd really love it. :D
Posted by: | October 27, 2007 at 12:24 PM