The next Bristol Usability Group meeting will take place on the 15th February 13th February.
Usability practitioner tools, methods and techniques: what are people using? Let's share and discuss, feel free to bring along your favourite tool and give us a walk through (Stuart, I think you volunteered to bring a couple!).
I won't be able to make this meeting, but my favourite tools are post-it notes, index cards and mind mapping software.
Has anyone looked at 3D Topicscape ( )? Like mindmapping (but in 3D. Good for organising reference information and ToDo lists.
Posted by: Roy | February 12, 2007 at 03:18 AM
Is the venue and time of the meeting the same as that previously advertised, i.e. FutureLab, 6:30 - 7:30pm?
Posted by: Graham Higgins | February 11, 2007 at 11:03 AM