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June 26, 2005


Louise Ferguson


You'll notice that none of the hi-res photos of JN include the trouser area.

That's because
a) Jakob wears trousers that might have been sold in M&S 30 years ago, shiny, three sizes too large.
b) Jakob's trouser pockets are filled with multifarious material (handkerchief, remote controls, or possibly entire usability labs...who knows) that alter the entire architecture of the trousers.

The result is three-dimensional and highly disturbing. In fact, you cannot watch Jakob and listen to his words, as your eye constantly drifts to the rogue trousers, which seem to have a mind of their own.
You don't notice this so much in close proximity (in a lift), as he's quite short.

Louise Ferguson

Chris, I'm sure the 'guidelines for female employees' at NNG must include 'must be under 35' and 'cannot have a mind of her own'. Hence the disappearance of the truly fantastic Brenda (crikey, who can blame her for leaving).

And Don and the bathroom... I have huge respect for Don - my favourite book is 'Things That Make Us Smart' - and just wonder why he continues under the NNG banner. I suppose it's an income, but mud sticks...

Chris McEvoy

Thanks Bruce, with you and JC on my side we cannot fail to overcome.


Excellent, mate. Excellent.

Jesus Christ

I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me

Chris McEvoy

Jack shows that he has a sense of humour by blogging about this on Guardian Online.

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