It's official: Wendy Johnson is the most popular knitter on Bloglines.
There are 10,657 public bloglines subscriptions to 1,741 knitting feeds, sorted into 61 different categories by 145 different bloglines users.
Note: These figures only refer to public subscriptions where bloglines users have categorised their subscription as a knitting feed by placing them in a knitting folder.
If you are interested in knitting then why not visit one of these 1,741 knitty sites.
You could try the "Yarn Harlot" from Canada, "At My Knits End", "Poetic Purl" or "Stitching For Sanity".
After looking at the names of these sites I have decided that someone should study the tribe of net knitters more deeply than I have as there in an interesting story there.
See Also: references
We are knitter AND crocheters-please note the difference, but I think it's safe to say we are also all yarn addicts!
Posted by: Deneen | May 27, 2005 at 06:24 PM just shows that knitters use their hands and their brains too :)
Posted by: emy | May 09, 2005 at 06:01 AM
Perhaps Microsoft should start asking interviewees if they knit?
Posted by: Chris McEvoy | April 26, 2005 at 06:34 AM
Everyday people with a passion.
Who knew there were so many I can only think of about 300.
Posted by: Danielle | April 26, 2005 at 02:05 AM