Typepad have just added rich text editing and integrated spell checking to their blog offering.
Now this is very welcome, but why couldn't they finish it properly before they launched it.
I live in the United Kindgom and we are not officially part of the United States whatever Tony Bliar may say. I have dutifully filled in my Author Profile with the correct settings.
But of course these settings are ignored when it comes to spell checking where I am treated as a US English speaker.
Here is the text after I have 'corrected' it.
Now, if I type the same text into Microsoft Word I get the correct spell check.
This is because Microsoft provide me with a selection of eighteen different versions of English to spell check against.
I understand that Typepad want to release new features as soon as they are usable to some of their customers, but if they think that an American spell checker is useful to me then they are much mistaken. I would much rather not have spell checking until they can get hold of a UK English dictionary.
Typepad want to be a global provider of blogging services, but they really must stop treating the english speaking world as 2nd class Americans if they want to be successful.
If it can get you to stop using all those superfluous "u"s then it is a feature ;)
Posted by: josh | January 10, 2005 at 11:13 PM
Thanks for noticing this. We will have a fix for this issue soon.
Also, please note that the language used for Date/Time display and Spell Checking is chosen in the WebLogs->Configure->Display tab.
Posted by: Paul Lindner | November 06, 2004 at 01:39 PM