WHEREAS, WE value the lives of our sons and daughters, of our brothers and sisters, more than Bush’s control of Middle East oil profits. Whereas, we have no quarrel with the ordinary working class men, women and children of Iraq who will suffer the most in any war. Whereas, the billions of dollars being spent to stage and execute this invasion means billions taken away from our schools, hospitals, housing and social security. Whereas, Bush’s drive for war serves as a cover and a distraction for the sinking economy, corporate corruption, layoffs, Taft-Hartley (used against the locked out ILWU longshoremen). Whereas, Teamsters Local 705 is known far and wide as fighters for justice. Be it resolved that Teamsters Local 705 stands firmly against Bush’s drive for war.
Voices of A People's History of the United States edited by Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove from Amazon | .com | .uk | .ca | .fr | .de
Ciao http://www.microsoft.com
Posted by: air_mj | March 16, 2005 at 10:46 PM
Michael Moore's “The Presidency—Just Another Perk” (November 14, 2000)
Excerpted from “Voices of a People’s History of the United States" (Eds. Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove, Nov. 2004, Seven Stories Press)
“Dear Governor and President-in-Waiting Bush:
This has to be the first time in history that a candidate who is losing BOTH the popular vote AND the electoral vote insists on being anointed President of the United States.
I can understand why you expect this title to be yours. You have spent your entire life having everything handed to you. You never had to earn your place. Money and name alone have opened every door for you. Without effort or hard work or intelligence or ingenuity, you have been bequeathed a life of privilege.
You learned at an early age that, in America, all someone like you has to do is show up. You found yourself admitted to a wealthy New England boarding school simply because your name was Bush. You did not have to EARN your place there. It was bought for you.
You then learned you could get into Yale with a “C” average. Other, more deserving students who had worked hard for 12 years to earn their place at Yale were denied admittance. You got in because your name was Bush.
You got into Harvard the same way. After screwing off during your four years at Yale—and maintaining your “C” average – you took someone else’s seat at Harvard, a seat that they had EARNED.
You then pretended to serve a full stint in the Texas Air National Guard. But one day, according to the Boston Globe, you just skipped out and didn’t report back for a year and a half to your unit. You didn’t have to earn your military record because your name was Bush.
After a number of “lost years” that don’t appear in your official biography, you were given job after job by your daddy and other family members – jobs you didn’t have to earn. No matter how many of your business ventures failed, there was always another one waiting to be handed to you. Finally, you got to be a partner in a ball team – another gift – even though you put up only 1/100 of the money for the team. And then you convinced the taxpayers of Arlington, Texas, to give you another perk – a brand-new multi-million dollar stadium.
So it is no wonder to me why you think you deserve to be named President. You haven’t earned it or won it – therefore it must be yours! And you see nothing wrong with this. Why should you? It is the only life you have ever known.”
Posted by: Crusader | December 21, 2004 at 01:51 AM
I'm disappointed that you haven't spread the news. Have you not heard about the launch of Cutebox? Apparently your readers won't be aware of the vast range of Quality Houseware Items we have available, nor will you have helped spread the word about the gifts currently sitting in Santa's Grotto and available to buy just in time for Christmas!!
Just tell me that you have no use for a Floppy-eared Dog and I'll move on.
Google Adwords here I come !
Posted by: Cutebox | November 27, 2004 at 06:12 PM
Not as much as the rest of the world.
Posted by: Jason | November 15, 2004 at 11:12 PM
I'm so tired of hearing the word Bush every time the word oil is mentioned.
Posted by: Evelyn | November 11, 2004 at 08:54 PM