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May 05, 2004


abhilash b.n.

please send me the informations regarding "ALUMINUM FOIL WINDING AUTOMATED SYSTEM"
i am an engineering student.


I find the wearablity, durability and functionalism of foil to be fascinating.. I found a man women can only dream of, wearing such a deflector beanie in the parking lot of our local best buys I looked his way and was instantly blinded by the glare from the foil on his head the sun shining brightly above but as fate was on our side a cloud passed over the sun and our eyes locked, I saw this man who looked confident with this silver helmet on his head, could tell he had a purpose with his life and I wanted to be part of it.. I looked in his eyes I looked at his smile, I was smitten at first site.
I had a hard time trying to read his expression, his thoughts.. I just couldnt tell if he was intrested .. wasnt until our 2nd date that he finally told me .. he made a deflector beanie so he could block out the mind reading females as I looked at their breasts. well that was a year ago and now that man is mine.. baby?? what am I thinkin???????????? ( winks )

Mr Dagg

You people are fools


Is this fantastic product reusable or does it need to be replaced each time.


ALIENS ARE REALLY REAL!!! I saw one Tuesday night Because of my tin foil beanie, I was able to fight the mind control, chase the mother fucker down and kick the shit out of it, before it escaped in a 1968 Chevy Nova. Thanks ZAPATO. You saved my ass.

Mister Advice

Do not walk. RUN to the nearest mental health center. Come on kids, face it you're fucked.

xin tong

Dear, March 25, 2005

We know the information of your esteemed company from the Internet. We’d glad to approach you for the establishment of trade relation with you. I think you will be glad to find a new supplier who can supply quality paper cores with lowest prices. It’s our hope to promote by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage.

Our company possess a whole set of world leading seamless core line and Technology imported from Japan and a most modern Heavy duty core from France, it specialize in High-grade seamless core and High-grade seam core manufacturing at the capability of 10,000 tons of annually which the characteristics high smoothness, roundness, linear measuring, surface hardness, moisture-free wrinkle-free and stable dimension capable of paper, film and metal foil winding.

You will be interested to know more about us. Please either visit our online catalogue http://www.papercore.cn for a closer look at our products or mail [email protected] to us directly. You will get a cost-saving solution if you choose our corporation.

Please tell us the detailed information of products you wanted. Then we can quote you precisely.

We can also send you samples for your testing. Then you will find that we are supplying good products with low price and solid quality.

We are looking forward to your earlier enquiry.

Thanks & Best Regards

Tong Xin


Address: P.O. BOX 1606 ,Hangzhou ,Zhejiang ,P.R. CHINA

Tel: 0086 13605811826 Post Code: 310016

Fax: (0086) 571 86095123

Contact Person : Mr Xin Tong—Director

Email: :[email protected] [email protected]

URL:http://www.papercore.cn NEW!!!


is there a reasonable anti mind control ?


you guys are wack. and well crazy cause aliens dont excist and they are not real. they only excist in our emagination. all you people that think that have seen eliens or stuff like that a wack and should get help.

Michael Menkin

It's time to stop laughing. Alien abductions are real. I now have videos of aliens made by a person wearing a thought screen helmet which I will release later this year.

Michael Menkin
Inventor of the Thought Screen Helmet based on E.E. Doc Smith

See my other website, aliensandchildren.org


I'm so glad I know how to make one of these correctly now. ;-)

jermaine lavington

2656 decatur aveenue #5c I'm trying to remove it.
bronx ny 10458

Reg the Veg

Foil hats are so nineties - Go Velostat!



"Only one boy and one woman wearing thought screen helmets with Velostat have been abducted by aliens since 1999. In one case, the boy was found in the morning with the helmet off and some of his clothes missing. He was in a traumatized state. He still wears the helmet and has not had another incident."

Chris McEvoy

A tin foil hat or aluminum foil deflector beanie (AFDB) is a piece of headgear designed to shield the brain from mind control and/or mind reading by surrounding it with a metallic lining (typically, aluminium foil).

From Wikipedia

Captain Brains

An Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie is not a low-cost solution. Independent studies show that the mind-control deflecting qualities of alumninum foil are reduced by 10% with each reuse. In other words, for effective mind-control deflection, you must create a new beanie out of new sheet of aluminum foil every day. And the foil can tear and the tape can pull up if you turn in your sleep. So, really, you're making a beanie when you get up, just to use as a shower or bath cap, and making a second beanie afterward for the rest of your day. And if you're like me, you like to change clothes when coming home from work, so that means a third beanie. You're much better off buying an aluminum foil-lined bicycle helmet that is much more durable and reusable.

Captain Brains

Sellotape = Europe's #1 clear cellulose tape.

America's #1 clear cellulose tape = Scotch Tape.

Scotch Tape = household tape.

Sellotape = household tape.

A = B
C = D
D = E
Therefore A = E

Your logic lost me.

Captain Brains

beanie = A small brimless cap.

hat = A covering for the head, especially one with a shaped crown and brim.

Beanie most likely does not equal hat.

Captain Brains

tin = malleable, silvery metallic element obtained chiefly from cassiterite.

aluminum = A silvery-white, ductile metallic element, the most abundant in the earth's crust but found only in combination, chiefly in bauxite.

Aluminum foil does not equal tin foil.

Eliza Manningham-Buller

You may notice that the author of this site has the number 1 result in google for hydrogen bomb instructions and is under investigation as we speak. Please do not approach this individual or listen to any of his ravings.

[RE: Echelon Intercept Z5463-D02-TP4732]

Chris McEvoy

Aluminum Foil == Tin Foil
Beanie == Hat
Household Tape == Sellotape


"I am an actress and, as such, am constantly in close exposure to the Hollywood mind-control industry... While working on a film in the late 1970's, I discovered the benefits of the AFDB and have been using one ever since. I recommend them highly to all actors!"

Chris McEvoy

Please ignore this post. I was a bit upset when I posted it. Everything feels fine now and the voices have explained everthing to me.

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